Equipment Exchange

The VP&S Office for Research helps facilitate the re-use of laboratory equipment and office furniture that would otherwise be discarded. We encourage VP&S laboratories and departments to contact us about working high-value equipment that they no longer need and those that they may be searching for. We hope this equipment may continue to serve research needs at the University and to prevent labs from purchasing items that are already available on campus.


Currently available equipment is listed below. To request equipment, please email [email protected] and include the equipment name and ID#.

Equipment Listings

DNA analyzer, Applied Biosystems 3730 - ID# 5
Microarray scanner, illumina iScan - ID# 9
Tissue homogenizer, Qiagen TissueLyser - ID# 155
Vertical electrophoresis system, FisherBiotech FB-VE16-1 - ID# 141
Electrophoresis power supply, Invitrogen Zoom Dual Power - ID# 26
Electrophoresis power supply, E-C Apparatus EC4000P - ID# 146
Electrophoresis power supply, BRL/Life Technologies 250 - ID# 190
Electrophoresis power supply, Thermo Fisher EC105 - ID# 229
Electrophoresis power supply, Thermo Fisher EC250-90 - ID# 242
Liquid handler, Tecan Freedom EVO 150 - ID# 10
Automated workstation, Qiagen BioRobot Universal System - ID# 192
Liquid handler, Beckman Coulter Biomek 3000 - ID# 147
Microplate stacker, BioTek Biostack 4 - ID# 77
Microtome, Microm HM 355 S - ID# 132
Vibratome, Leica VT1000 S - ID# 233
Benchtop centrifuge, Eppendorf 5417R - ID# 136
Benchtop centrifuge, Thermo Fisher Sorvall Legend X1R - ID# 161
Benchtop centrifuge, Beckman Coulter GPR - ID# 213
Centrifuge concentrator, Savant SpeedVac SC110 - ID# 183
Benchtop centrifuge, IEC Centra CL2 - ID# 178
Benchtop centrifuge, IEC 428 - ID# 208
Mini-centrifuge, Denville Mini Mouse - ID# 240
Microscope, Leica DM IRBE - ID# 220
Inverted microscope, American Optical Corp 1810 - ID# 56
Inverted microscope, Zeiss 0206 - ID# 67
Microscope, Leica DMLB - ID# 122
Inverted microscope, Arcturus PixCell II - ID# 116
Microforge, Narishige MF-9 - ID# 36
Inverted microscope, Zeiss Invertoskop - ID# 230
Inverted microscope, Nikon Diaphot - ID# 235
Inverted microscope, Nikon TMS - ID# 247
Incubator, Quincy Lab 10-140 - ID# 246
Water bath, Fisher Scientific Isotemp 28L-M - ID# 55
Water bath shaker, New Brunswick Scientific C76 - ID# 210
Water bath shaker, New Brunswick Scientific G76 - ID# 234
Water bath, Precision 182 - ID# 237
Hot plate, Corning PC-35 - ID# 188
Heat block, VWR 949036 - ID# 165
Mixer, Eppendorf MixMate - ID# 34
Magnetic stirrer, IKA Colorsquid - ID# 187
Hotplate stirrer, Corning PC-351 - ID# 189
Mixer, Eppendorf 5432 - ID# 95
Mixer, Barnstead M16715 - ID# 239
Vortex mixer, American Scientific Products S8223-1 - ID# 243
Tube rotator, Scientific Equipment Products 60448 - ID# 244
Platform shaker, New Brunswick innova 2000 - ID# 250
Microplate reader, Tecan Infinite F500 - ID# 138
Fluorescence/bioluminescence reader, PerSeptive Biosystems CytoFluor 4000 - ID# 170
Analytical balance, Mettler AE 163 - ID# 238
Ultrasonic cleaner, Cole-Parmer 08895-04 - ID# 156
Squame tape scanner, Heiland Electronic SquameScan 850A - ID# 167
Manual heat sealer, Thermo Fisher ALPS 25 - ID# 163
Manual heat sealer, Abgene AB-0384 - ID# 194
Solar simulator, Newport 91160-1000 - ID# 157
Gel transfer system, Invitrogen iBlot - ID# 164
Liquid nitrogen dewar, Union Carbide LR-30A - ID# 207
Micro fractionator, Gilson FC-80K - ID# 71
Air table, TMC 63-532 - ID# 209
Air table, TMC 63-511-04 - ID# 245
HiLoad Pump, Pharmacia Biotech P-50 - ID# 218
X-ray light box, Picker International 240096 - ID# 236
Transilluminator, Stratagene 4000 - ID# 248