You can navigate the poster abstracts by poster location, service type or shared resource campus by switching tabs.
By Location
- Department of Microbiology and Immunology Core
- Single Cell Core (SCC)
- High Containment Laboratory (HCL, BSL-3)
- High Throughput Screening
- Flow Cytometry (CSCI)
- Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC)
- Stem Cell
- Flow Cytometry (CCTI / HICCC / DRC)
- Confocal and Specialized Microscopy
- Biomarkers Core Laboratory (BCL, Irving Institute)
- Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (CEC)
- OpenSpecimen
- Microbiome
- Mouse NeuroBehavior Core (MNBC)
- Columbia University Biobank (CUB)
- Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core (OPTIC)
- Genetically Modified Mouse Models Shared Resource (GMMMSR)
- Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM)
- Radiation Research
- Columbia Nano Initiative (CNI)
- Lamont Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Laboratory
- Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR)
- LDEO Rock and Ice Mechanics Lab
- Design and Instrument Shop (DIS)
- Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms
- Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms
- Biomarkers Shared Resource
- Exposure Assessment Core in the NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in North Manhattan
- Precision Biomolecular Characterization Facility (PBCF)
- Mass Spectrometry Core Facility
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
- Proteomics and Macromolecular Crystallography (PMCSR)
- Proteomics and Macromolecular Crystallography (PMCSR)
- Quantitative Proteomics and Metabolomics Center
- High Performance Computing (Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2))
- CUIT Research Services
- Database Shared Resource
- Cancer Biostatistics Shared Resource
- Biomedical Informatics
- Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
- Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)
- VP&S Funding Opportunities
- VP&S Office for Research
- New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NYNORC)
- Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR)
- Biomarkers Core Laboratory (BCL, Irving Institute)
By Type
Animal Research
Genetically Modified Mouse Models Shared Resource (GMMMSR) (#17)
Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM) (#18)
Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) (#48)
Mouse NeuroBehavior Core (MNBC) (#49)
New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NYNORC) (#47)
Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core (OPTIC)(#16)
Radiation Research (#19)
Biomarkers Shared Resource(#28)
Columbia University Biobank (CUB) (#15)
Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) (#48)
OpenSpecimen (#42)
Clinical Research
Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC) (#6)
Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (42 & 43)
Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) (#48)
New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NYNORC) (#47)
Engineering & Materials
Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory (#25)
Columbia Nano Initiative (CNI) (#20)
Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR) (#22)
LDEO Rock and Ice Mechanics Lab (# 23)
METAL Lab (#29)
Flow Cytometry
Department of Microbiology and Immunology Core (#1)
Flow Cytometry (CCTI / HICCC / DRC) (#8)
Flow Cytometry (CSCI) (5)
Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC) (#6)
Genomics , Sequencing & Screening
Flow Cytometry (CSCI) (5)
High Throughput Screening (#4)
Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC) (#6)
Microbiome (#16)
New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NYNORC) (#47)
Single Cell Core (SCC) (#2)
Histology & Pathology
Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) (#48)
Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory (#25)
Confocal and Specialized Microscopy (#9)
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (CEC) (#11)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology Core (#1)
Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC) (#6)
Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core (OPTIC)(#16)
Precision Biomolecular Characterization Facility (PBCF) (#31)
Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms (#26 & 27)
Informatics & Data Analysis
Biomedical Informatics (#41)
Cancer Biostatistics Shared Resource (#40)
CUIT Research Services(#38)
Database Shared Resource (#39)
High Performance Computing (Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2)) (#37)
Instrument Engineering
Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory (#25)
Design and Instrument Shop (DIS) (#24)
Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms (#26 & 27)
Mass Spectrometry
Biomarkers Core Laboratory (BCL, Irving Institute) (#10 & 49)
Lamont Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Laboratory(#21)
Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (#32)
Proteomics and Macromolecular Crystallography (PMCSR)(#34 & 35)
Quantitative Proteomics and Metabolomics Center (#36)
Radiation Research
Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core (OPTIC)(#16)
Radiation Research (#19)
Research Administration & Services
Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (42 & 43)
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) (#44)
VP&S Funding Opportunities(#45)
VP&S Office for Research (#46)
Stem Cells
Genetically Modified Mouse Models Shared Resource (GMMMSR) (#17)
Stem Cell (#7)
Structural Biology
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (CEC) (#11)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (#33)
Precision Biomolecular Characterization Facility (PBCF) (#31)
Proteomics and Macromolecular Crystallography (PMCSR)(#34 & 35)
High Containment Laboratory (HCL, BSL-3) (3)
Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms (#26 & 27)
By Campus
Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory (#25)
Columbia Nano Initiative (CNI) (#20)
CUIT Research Services(#38)
Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM) (#18)
Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (#32)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (#33)
Precision Biomolecular Characterization Facility (PBCF) (#31)
Quantitative Proteomics and Metabolomics Center (#36)
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (CEC) (#11)
Zuckerman Institute (ZI) Scientific Platforms (#26 & 27)
Biomarkers Core Laboratory (BCL, Irving Institute) (#10 & 49)
Biomarkers Shared Resource(#28)
Biomedical Informatics (#41)
Cancer Biostatistics Shared Resource (#40)
Columbia University Biobank (CUB) (#15)
Confocal and Specialized Microscopy (#9)
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (CEC) (#11)
Database Shared Resource (#39)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology Core (#1)
Design and Instrument Shop (DIS) (#24)
Exposure Assessment Core in the NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in North Manhattan(#30)
Flow Cytometry (CCTI / HICCC / DRC) (#8)
Flow Cytometry (CSCI) (5)
Genetically Modified Mouse Models Shared Resource (GMMMSR) (#17)
High Containment Laboratory (HCL, BSL-3) (3)
High Performance Computing (Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2)) (#37)
High Throughput Screening (#4)
Human Immune Monitoring Core (HIMC) (#6)
Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM) (#18)
Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (42 & 43)
METAL Lab (#29)
Microbiome (#16)
Molecular Pathology Shared Resource (MPSR) (#48)
Mouse NeuroBehavior Core (MNBC) (#49)
New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NYNORC) (#47)
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) (#44)
Oncology Precision Therapeutics and Imaging Core (OPTIC)(#16)
OpenSpecimen (#42)
Proteomics and Macromolecular Crystallography (PMCSR)(#34 & 35)
Radiation Research (#19)
Single Cell Core (SCC) (#2)
Stem Cell (#7)
VP&S Funding Opportunities(#45)
VP&S Office for Research (#46)
Exposure Assessment Core in the NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in North Manhattan (#30)
Lamont Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Laboratory(#21)
Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR) (#22)
LDEO Rock and Ice Mechanics Lab (# 23)