Basic Sciences Weekly Calendar
The Basic Sciences Weekly Calendar is maintained by the Office of Graduate Affairs and contains a listing of most seminars, thesis defenses, etc. for the basic science departments. You can sign up for a weekly email containing this listing.
Academic Affairs Listserv
The CUIMC Office of Academic Affairs sends out emails to announce career development events and other opportunities. Faculty members are automatically added to this email list.
Limited Submission Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Initiatives manages internal competitions for limited submission funding opportunities. Calls for applications are sent out as deadlines approach. Email [email protected] to request to be added to the limited submissions list and receive opportunity announcements via email.
NIH-Investigator Listserv
The Sponsored Projects Administration maintains a listserv to provide announcements regarding policy changes affecting NIH proposal preparation and submission, as well as funding opportunities and notices. Investigators who have received an NIH grant are automatically added to the listserve, but you can also subscribe manually.
VP&S Research Faculty Listserv
If you are faculty interested in using any of our services please make sure you are subscribed to our listserv and if you are not please email us at [email protected].
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center Newsletter
The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Caner Center provides three newsletters about cancer research, cancer care, and the center's events and seminars. Choose which to sign up for here.